paintings and drawings from the XVI° to the XXI° century

Galileo Chini

- Firenze 1873 – Firenze 1956 -

Siamese Mask , 1930

oil on panel
cm 60 x 47,5


Exhibition e bibliography : 

- Galileo Chini, Palazzo della Permanente, Milano 1977, exhibition catalog , - pubblished as executed in 1914 -

- Galileo Chini e l'Oriente, Salsomaggiore 1995, and Rome 1996.

Provenance : Chini's hires, Firenze; Galleria Arco Farnese, Rome; Collezione Privata, Rome.

http://www.repertoriogalileochini.it/opera-galileo-chini.asp?id=682&titolo=Maschera%20del%20teatro%20Siamese »

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Siamese Mask - Galileo Chini